Cicero receives $96 million in Federal funds to address flooding concerns

Cicero receives $96 million in Federal funds to address flooding concerns Town President Larry Dominick announced on Wednesday that Cicero has received a $96 million federal grant to help the community address flooding challenges caused by regional issues. The Federal Grant was announced by officials of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) at a press conference on Wednesday intended to provide disaster relief to states and several communities, and presented to town officials. [Learn More]

Cicero Town President Larry Dominick and Cicero leadership testify at Illinois House Committee hearing on regional flooding issues

Cicero Town President Larry Dominick and Cicero leadership testify at Illinois House Committee hearing on regional flooding issues President Dominick: “This catastrophic event had a profound impact on our community…but despite the challenging circumstances, our community came together in a remarkable display of resilience and solidarity.” CICERO, Ill. – Today, Town of Cicero leadership testified in front of the Illinois House Energy and Environment Committee during a subject matter hearing titled “Protecting Chicagoland: Regional Solutions [Learn More]

Deadline to file FEMA Flood funding request is October 16, 2023

Deadline to file FEMA Flood funding request is October 16, 2023 The Deadline to file your flood damage application with FEMA is Oct. 16, 2023. Many homeowners still may not understand that the reports they filed in July after the floods with the Town of CIcero were ONLY USED to justify an Emergency Declaration. Each homeowner MUST file a Damage Assessment Report with FEMA. If you have not filed a damage assessment report with FEMA, [Learn More]

Cicero Senior Center and FEMA assist Seniors to complete FEMA Disaster Relief and SBA Applications

Cicero Senior Center and FEMA assist Seniors to complete FEMA Disaster Relief and SBA applications Town President Larry Dominick and the Board of Trustees invited FEMA to open a two day Senior Individual Assistance Center at the Cicero Senior Center. The center opened up on Wednesday, Sept. 6, and will remain open on Thursday, Sept 7 from 8 AM until 8 PM at the Senior Center, located at 5631 West 35th Street. Seniors will be [Learn More]

FEMA offers assistance to Seniors at Cicero Senior Center

FEMA offers assistance to Seniors at Cicero Senior Center FEMA is opening an Individual Assistance Center at the Cicero Senior Center to assist seniors in applying for post-flood damage support and to also receive help completing flood Disaster Application forms online. The FEMA Individual Assistance Center will be open on Wednesday, Sept. 6, and on Thursday, Sept 7 from 8 AM until 8 PM at the Senior Center, located at 5631 West 35th Street. Seniors [Learn More]

SBA, Cicero to open Business Recovery Center at Community Center

SBA, Cicero to open Business Recovery Center at Community Center Town President Larry Dominick is donating space at the Cicero Community Center to serve as a hosting site for a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Business Recovery Center (BRC) to service small businesses damaged by the floods. The purpose of the BRC is to provide loans to small businesses to help them recover from damage caused by the flood and to review other assistance that [Learn More]

FEMA, Town of Cicero Open Disaster Recovery Center for Cicero Residents Impacted by Summer Flooding

FEMA, Town of Cicero Open Disaster Recovery Center for Cicero Residents Impacted by Summer Flooding The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Town of Cicero announced the opening Tuesday (August 29) of a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) located at Morton College.  The Disaster Recovery Center, run by FEMA, is a location where residents who suffered Flood Damage can apply in person for Individual Assistance and Small Business Administration assistance, if they have not already [Learn More]

Post-Flood Disaster Recovery Centers Open Across Cook County and in Cicero

Post-Flood Disaster Recovery Centers Open Across Cook County and in Cicero FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers will open Tuesday, Aug. 29 in four Cook County locations to help residents kickstart their recovery after the June 29 – July 2 storms and flood. Specialists from FEMA and the U.S. Small Business Administration will be at the centers to help survivors apply for federal disaster assistance, upload documents, learn about ways to make their property more disaster resistant, [Learn More]

FEMA Approves disaster assistance to Cicero residents

FEMA Approves disaster assistance to Cicero residents Cicero, Il — Town President Larry Dominick announced Tuesday that Cicero residents can begin applying for Federal FEMA funding for damages caused by the July 2 floods. The FEMA approval was announced by the White House on Tuesday afternoon and came as a result of a convincing case that was present to the Federal Government by the Town of Cicero and our local, regional and state officials. “We [Learn More]

FEMA officials inspecting some Cicero homes damaged by floods

FEMA officials inspecting some Cicero homes damaged by floods FEMA teams are hard at work knocking on doors assessing the damages caused by the record rain fall on July 2nd. They do not need to visit every home and are not expected to. But they have been checking on homes based on the nearly 7,000 damage assessment reports collected by the Town of Cicero. The teams consist of a representative from the Town of Cicero, [Learn More]

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