Request for Proposals: Tree Inventory and Urban Forestry Management Plan

    TOWN OF CICERO REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TREE INVENTORY AND URBAN FORESTRY MANAGEMENT PLAN (RFP No. DOH-012024) ISSUE DATE: JUNE 27, 2024 FINAL SUBMISSION DATE: JULY 11, 2024 This Request For Proposals (“RFP”) is made by the Town of Cicero, Illinois (the “Town”) to qualified interested parties for sealed bid written proposals for a Tree Inventory and Urban Forestry Management Plan (the “Project”). The selected firm will conduct a comprehensive inventory of the trees [Learn More]

Notice of Request for Proposals for Tree Inventory and Urban Forestry Management Plan

NOTICE OF THE TOWN OF CICERO’S REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Cicero, Illinois (the “Town”) has issued a Request for Proposals to qualified interested parties for sealed, written proposals to provide a Tree Inventory and Urban Forestry Management Plan to the Town. The Request for Proposals is available on the Town’s website at: All proposals must be received by the Town Clerk’s Office by mail or personal delivery (no proposals [Learn More]

Public Notice: 2024 Annual Action Plan

Town of Cicero – President Larry Dominick Annual Action Plan Year 2024 (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025) The Town of Cicero, in compliance with Title I of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, is drafting its Annual Action Plan for Program Year 2024 for the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG). The plan will serve as a guideline for expenditures of federal funds during Program Year [Learn More]

Town Notice: Rebid – Town of Cicero Inclusive Playground – General Contracting

The Town of Cicero Larry Dominick, PresidentRebid – Town of Cicero Inclusive Playground – General Contracting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the President and Board of Trustees of the Town of Cicero, Cook County, Illinois, that sealed bids will be received for the following improvement: Construction of an Inclusive Playground. The Project consists of the construction of a new park facility including an inclusive playground, driveways and parking lot, landscaping, lighting, fencing, walkways, and sidewalk. [Learn More]

Public Notice: Cicero Inclusive Playground

TOWN OF CICERO CICERO INCLUSIVE PLAYGROUND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the President and Board of Trustees of the Town of Cicero, Cook County, Illinois, that sealed bids will be received for the following improvement: Construction of an Inclusive Playground. The Project consists of the construction of a new park facility including an inclusive playground, driveways and parking lot, landscaping, lighting, fencing, walkways, and sidewalk. Bidders can include site remediation in their proposals as an [Learn More]

Public Notice: Home Assistance Fund Home Repair Program Contractor Registration

The Town of Cicero is preparing bid packages for the Home Assistance Fund Home Repair Program (HAFHR).  This program allows qualified homeowners to perform rehabilitation projects on their homes.  Projects include, but are not limited to: Sewer Check Valve and Bypass Pump installation to prevent basement flooding, Lead service line replacements in homes with children under 6, Roof, Gutter, and Soffit Replacements, Handicap Accessibility Projects (chair lifts, walk-in showers, etc), Critical life and health safety [Learn More]

Public Notice: Cicero Inclusive Playground

TOWN OF CICERO CICERO INCLUSIVE PLAYGROUND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the President and Board of Trustees of the Town of Cicero, Cook County, Illinois, that sealed bids will be received for the following improvement: Construction of an Inclusive Playground. The Project consists of the construction of a new park facility including an inclusive playground, driveways and parking lot, landscaping, lighting, fencing, walkways, and sidewalk. The work will include site cleansing and site remediation. An [Learn More]

Town Notice: Posting of Information Pertaining to Employee Total Compensation

NOTICE OF THE TOWN OF CICERO’S POSTING OF INFORMATION PERTAINING TO EMPLOYEE TOTAL COMPENSATION TAKE NOTICE total compensation information for each Town of Cicero (the “Town”) employee with a total compensation package that exceeds $150,000 and $75,000.00 per year respectively is available for public inspection by any interested party in the Office of the Town Clerk. The Office of the Town Clerk, which is located at 4949 West Cermak Road, Cicero, Illinois 60804, is open [Learn More]

Notice of Funding Availability

The Town of Cicero Department of Housing is pleased to announce the following Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), and invites applications for eligible activities under the following programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Funding being made available through this NOFA will be from the Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and the Federal Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program. More information about these programs can be found at the Town of [Learn More]

Town Notice: Illinois Housing Assistance Fund for Cicero Homeowners

Announcement from Town President Larry Dominick: Town of Cicero selected as a community to administer the Illinois Housing Assistance Fund for Cicero Homeowners Round 1 of open applications will be from 2/19/24 – 3/25/24 President Dominick is thankful for the hard work of Tom Tomschin, Executive Director of the Town of Cicero Department of Housing in partnering with Grants Administrator Jose Alvarez to apply for and secure these needed dollars for Cicero.  Mr. Tomschin has [Learn More]

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