(RFP No. DOH-012024)
This Request For Proposals (“RFP”) is made by the Town of Cicero, Illinois (the “Town”) to qualified interested parties for sealed bid written proposals for a Tree Inventory and Urban Forestry Management Plan (the “Project”). The selected firm will conduct a comprehensive inventory of the trees located within the Town on parkways, Town managed property, and property owned by other units of local government within the corporate limits of the Town. The selected firm will also create an Urban Forestry Management Plan for the Town.
A tree inventory will help the Town catalogue and document the public tree population within the Town, provide a better understanding of the Town’s trees, and improve long-term management and growth of the local tree population. The tree inventory will include information such as GPS coordinates, street address, land use, growing space, species, DBH measurements, single or multi-stem designation, condition rating and risk assessment, and general comments or notes about each Village tree. The inventory is intended to also identify trees which should be removed and smaller-scale health problems in order to take more proactive measures to improve the overall health of the Town’s urban forest in the most cost effective way possible.
The Urban Forestry Management Plan (“UFMP”) is intended to provide staff with guidance on how to proceed with the information presented in the inventory, including but not limited to a prioritized list of planting locations (both new plantings and removals) and a cyclical pruning schedule and map. The management plan will also allow for a more coordinated attempt at improving tree diversity within the Town, as the plan will outline a list of preferred species and species that should be prohibited. The selected applicant shall also assist the Town in hosting three (3) public events to inform the residents of the Town about the nature of this Project and how to care for trees located on private property. The selected applicant shall further provide ten (10) hours of training to Town employees in forestry. The scope of work is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Tree Inventory and UFMP is being conducted in part with the support of The Morton Arboretum and the USDA Forestry Service.
This RFP shall not create any legal obligations on the Town to evaluate any Proposals that are submitted or to enter into any contract or other agreement with any party who submits a Proposal except on terms and conditions it deems in its sole and absolute discretion to be satisfactory and desirable. The right is reserved by the Town to reject any and all Proposals.
The above described Bid Package will be received up to the hour of 9:00 a.m. on July 11, 2024, at the Town Clerk’s Office, Cicero Town Hall, 4949 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, Illinois 60804, and will be publicly opened and read beginning at 10:15 a.m., on July 11, 2024 in the Town’s Court Room or other such room as may be available at that time.
Access the Full Request For Proposal Tree Inventory