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Cicero names Natalie Baeza as the Pageant Queen for Mexican Independence 2022-23
Cicero names Natalie Baeza as the Pageant Queen for Mexican Independence 2022-23 On Thursday, September 8, under an atmosphere of celebration and joy at the Cicero Community Center, the Cicero Mexican Cultural Committee held its [Learn More] -
Cicero commemorates the 21-year anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorist attacks
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Cicero Police Department seeking applicants for positions
Annual Houby Festival and Parade coming Oct. 6 – 10
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Request For Proposals
NOTICE OF THE TOWN OF CICERO’S REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Cicero, Illinois (the “Town”) has issued a Request for Proposals to qualified interested parties for sealed, written proposals to provide [Learn More] -
El Grito: Celebrating 18 Years of Mexican Independence in Cicero
Public Notice: Cicero Inclusive Playground
The Cicero Police Department releases Holiday Enforcement numbers
Cicero co-Hosts with Cook County Sheriff vehicle light repair program