Cicero honors Parent Patrol volunteers at luncheon for 15 Years of Service to town’s school children

Cicero honors Parent Patrol volunteers at luncheon for 15 Years of Service to town’s school children Town President Larry Dominick and the Town of Cicero Board of Trustees Clerk Maria Punzo-Arias, Supervisor Joe Virruso, Assessor Emilio “Emo” Cundari, Collector Fran Reitz and Trustees Victor Garcia, Bob Porod, John Cava and Blanca Vargas, joined Parent Patrol Coordinator Ismael Vargas, and officials from the Town’s local school district to celebrate the 15th Year Anniversary of the Parent [Learn More]

Volunteers gather for annual Town of Cicero Cleanup Week drive

Volunteers gather for annual Town of Cicero Cleanup Week drive The Town of Cicero launched their annual Town-wide Community Cleanup with volunteers from the schools, local businesses, community organizations and the Town’s many Departments. The cleanup drive is coordinated every year by Town Assessor Emilio “Emo” Cundari who supervises the volunteers to not only pickup litter but to also identify areas of the town where there is graffiti that can be targeted and scheduled for [Learn More]

Cicero commemorates the 21-year anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorist attacks

Cicero commemorates the 21-year anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorist attacks The Town of Cicero commemorated the 21st anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took nearly 3,000 lives on Sept. 11, 2001 with a memorial service and presentations. Cicero Firefighters Paul Lyttek and Justin Swiatowiec were the guest speakers offering presentations on their experiences representing the Cicero Fire Department solidarity with members of the New York Fire Department. New York reported that 343 members of the [Learn More]