Annual Cicero Mother and Son dance celebrates important family connections

Cicero Mothers and sons dance at the Annual Cicero Mother and Son dance held on Friday May 10, 2024 at the Cicero Community Center.
Cicero Mothers and sons dance at the Annual Cicero Mother and Son dance held on Friday May 10, 2024 at the Cicero Community Center.

Annual Cicero Mother and Son dance celebrates important family connections

The Town of Cicero celebrated the annual Mother and Son Dance on Friday May 10, 2024 at the Cicero Community Center.

The popular event was completely sold out and attracted about 450 attendees who enjoyed entertainment, dancing and a special dinner.

The event is restricted only to Mother’s and Sons, but follows the annual Father and Daughter dinner dance that was held last month. Special Events Director Patti Salerno said that the two events are so popular they restrict them just to Father and Daughter, and Mother and Son, but that the Town will organize and host a Family Party in December.

“The events are so popular President Larry Dominick has asked the Department of Special Events to host a Family dinner so all of the parents and children can enjoy an event together,” Mrs. Salerno said, noting they will move the Family event to a larger venue to accommodate more attendees.

CiceroMothers and sons dance at the Annual Cicero Mother and Son dance held on Friday May 10, 2024 at the Cicero Community Center.
CiceroMothers and sons dance at the Annual Cicero Mother and Son dance held on Friday May 10, 2024 at the Cicero Community Center.


“I want to thank our staff at the Community Center, the Special Events team and the Bobby Hull Ice Rink team who helped out to make this a great event.”

The moms and their sons posed for photographs, danced together during the event and those were had registered for the event received gifts. I want to express my gratitude to President Dominick and the Board of Trustees for making these events which are very popular with our town’s residents and families so successful.”

Special Events Director Patti Salerno helps one of the children create art for his mother at the annual Mother and Son Dance held Friday May 10, 2024 at the Cicero Community Center.
Special Events Director Patti Salerno helps one of the children create art for his mother at the annual Mother and Son Dance held Friday May 10, 2024 at the Cicero Community Center.

The Cicero Channel 6 TV Crew interviewed many of the mothers who brought their sons to the dance.

You can watch a video of the event by clicking this link.

And, you can see more photos of event by visiting the Town of Cicero Facebook Page by clicking this line.

Cicero Mothers and sons dance at the Annual Cicero Mother and Son dance held on Friday May 10, 2024 at the Cicero Community Center.



El Municipio de Cicero celebró el Baile Anual de Madre e Hijo el viernes 10 de mayo de 2024 en el Centro Comunitario de Cicero.

El evento popular estuvo completamente agotado y atrajo a unos 450 asistentes que disfrutaron de entretenimiento, baile y una cena especial.

El evento está restringido solo a Madres e Hijos, pero sigue al baile anual de Padre e Hija que se celebró el mes pasado. La Directora de Eventos Especiales, Patti Salerno, dijo que los dos eventos son tan populares que los restringen solo a Padre e Hija, y Madre e Hijo, pero que el Municipio organizará y hospedará una Fiesta Familiar en diciembre.

Mothers and their sons were able to get their photos taken at the annual Mother and Sons dance held Friday May 10, 2024 at the Cicero Community Center, sponsored by Town President Larry Dominick
Mothers and their sons were able to get their photos taken at the annual Mother and Sons dance held Friday May 10, 2024 at the Cicero Community Center, sponsored by Town President Larry Dominick

“Los eventos son tan populares que el Presidente Larry Dominick ha pedido al Departamento de Eventos Especiales que organice una cena familiar para que todos los padres e hijos puedan disfrutar de un evento juntos”, dijo la Sra. Salerno, señalando que trasladarán el evento familiar a un lugar más grande para dar cabida a más asistentes.

“Quiero agradecer a nuestro personal del Centro Comunitario, al equipo de Eventos Especiales y al equipo de la Pista de Hielo Bobby Hull que ayudaron a hacer de este un gran evento”.

Las mamás y sus hijos posaron para fotografías, bailaron juntos durante el evento y aquellos que se habían registrado para el evento recibieron regalos. Quiero expresar mi gratitud al Presidente Dominick y a la Junta de Síndicos por hacer que estos eventos, que son muy populares entre los residentes y las familias de nuestra ciudad, sean tan exitosos”.

El equipo de televisión de CIcero Channel 6 entrevistó a muchas de las madres que llevaron a sus hijos al baile.

Puedes ver un video del evento haciendo clic en este enlace.

Y puedes ver más fotos del evento visitando la página de Facebook del Municipio de Cicero haciendo clic en esta línea.