Public Works Keeping Roads and Alleys Clean

Public Works Keeping Roads and Alleys Clean View story on New Cicero TV at: You may have noticed your streets and alleys a little bit cleaner this summer, and that’s thanks to a program that President Larry Dominick and the Town of Cicero support to keep the teenagers in town busy working.  “We are cutting and trimming. My job is to make sure that all the weeds are gone and there is no garbage [Learn More]

Public Works employees work to help clear post-flood waste and bulk refuse

Public Works employees work to help clear post-flood waste and bulk refuse Public Works has been working 24/7 to remove bulk waste caused by the floods. Public Works Streets and Alleys Superintendent Derek Dominick explained how the department has been working around the clock since July 2 to help remove bulk waste and refuse damaged by the Floods. “As of July 8, we have had more than 1900 tons of garbage that was picked up,” [Learn More]