EMS Division

The Town of Cicero EMS Division

(p) 708-652-0174 x 120
In case of emergency, dial 9-1-1

The Town of Cicero currently contracts paramedic services to Metro Paramedic Services, Inc. for 8 paramedics per shift or a total of 24 paramedics.

Cicero EMS Division Mission Statement

To provide the highest quality of pre-hospital care to the residents of Cicero as well as their friends/family and business associates.

We will accomplish this by using our initial training and experience as a platform. We will enhance our skills and knowledge by completing our continuing education requirements and learning new information and skills as they are available.

Cicero Paramedics will be in the forefront with our hospitals partners to establish new skills and techniques to provide our customers the best pre-hospital care available.

Cicero EMS Division Staffing

Currently, eight (8) paramedics staff four (4) ambulances daily. We work on a 24-hour on-duty/48-hour off-duty rotating schedule.

All paramedics to complete Emergency Medical Technician-B (EMT-B) which consists of 130 hours of didactic, clinical and ride-along experience. After successful completion and initial liscensure, EMT-B's to complete six (6) months of on the job experience prior to applying for paramedic school.

If the candidate successfully completes the entrance exam and is accepted for a paramedic program, they must complete 480 hours of didactic, clinical and field experience before taking the state or national liscensure exam. Only upon successful completion of the exam will a new paramedic be allowed to work on an ambulance.

Cicero paramedics work in the Loyola Emergency Medical system and follow their protocols for pre-hospital emergency care.

All paramedics are required to maintain continuing education on a monthly basis and are required to re-license every four (4) years.

In addition to monthly continuing education, paramedics participate in other training such as new equipment, new occupancies, as well as public education.

The Town of Cicero also maintains a fully-stocked fifth ambulance in case of emergency or for maintenance substitution purposes.

Cicero EMS Division Billing Information

All billing inquiries may be handled by contacting the following:

Paramedic Billing Services, Inc.
(877) 530-2988
(630) 530-8827

Town of Cicero I.C.E. Cards

Cicero Town President Larry Dominick and the Cicero Fire Department are proud to introduce a new program for town residents that will aid emergency responders in a person is unable to communicated. The new program, called In Case of Emergency or I.C.E., consists of a pocket-sized card which contains the persons name, address, birthday and blood type. The I.C.E. card also contains an area to list emergency contacts, medical conditions, medications and allergies.

Residents are encouraged to one copy of the card with them at all times and post a second copy of the card in a visible place in their home. Cards can be obtained at Cicero Town Hall.

President Dominick and the Town of Cicero EMS Division encourage all Cicero residents to completely an I.C.E. card so that we may further aid them in the event of an emergency.


As of February 1st of this 2010 Cicero Fire Department Paramedics have a new tool to help them save lives of critically injured or ill patients.

The tool is called EZ-IO and allows Paramedics to administer life saving fluids and medications to Patients who have poor no access by IV. The EZ-IO is inserted directly into the critical patients bone marrow cavity. Cicero Paramedics where the first to use this device in the Loyola EMS System and this device has been used 10 times in the first 6 weeks.

Cicero Paramedics continue upgrade their skills and equipment to better serve our Town and our residents.

AHA CPR/AED Courses for Friends & Family

Students in the AHA CPR/AED Course will cover the American Heart Association course material that pertains to CPR and use of an Automated External Defibrillator. Course participants will be instructed on CPR principles as well as hands on practice of knowledge learned.

Class size is limited to a 10 person minimum and 30 person maximum. Registration must be received at least 1 week prior to class date. Classes cost $35 for Cicero residents and $30 for non-residents.

All sessions are held at the Cicero Fire Department Headquarters, 5303 W. 25th Street in Cicero.

For further information please contact Jim Tolf at the Cicero Fire Department at 708-652-0174 Ext. 111.