FEMA officials inspecting some Cicero homes damaged by floods

FEMA teams inspect homes July July 24 - July 30, 2023 in Cicero damaged by floods
FEMA teams inspect homes July July 24 - July 30, 2023 in Cicero damaged by floods

FEMA officials inspecting some Cicero homes damaged by floods

FEMA teams are hard at work knocking on doors assessing the damages caused by the record rain fall on July 2nd. They do not need to visit every home and are not expected to. But they have been checking on homes based on the nearly 7,000 damage assessment reports collected by the Town of Cicero.

The teams consist of a representative from the Town of Cicero, IEMA, FEMA, SBA and a translator. 

On Thursday, July 27, 2023, the Director of IEMA-OHS Alicia Tate-Nadeau joined one of the teams assessing all the damages.

Director Tate-Nadeau spoke with Town officials including Town Trustee Victor Garcia and Cicero homeowners near 16th Street as a part of their inspection tour of the Town of Cicero.

FEMA teams inspect homes July July 24 - July 30, 2023 in Cicero damaged by floods
FEMA teams inspect homes July July 24 – July 30, 2023 in Cicero damaged by floods


Each team is assigned designated blocks. Once they arrive they will knock on every single home on that block, FEMA officials said.

FEMA teams inspect homes July July 24 - July 30, 2023 in Cicero damaged by floods
FEMA teams inspect homes July July 24 – July 30, 2023 in Cicero damaged by floods

If you are not home, it’s ok. The team will still gather information from your neighbors.

Once FEMA arrives at your home you will be asked the following questions:

Was your home damaged?

What is the extend of the damages?

How high was the water?

Was someone living in the area damaged?

How long was the water sitting there?

Was the HVAC, boiler, or furnace damaged? 

Do you own or rent?

Do you have insurance coverage?

Was it sewer backup water?

The team will ask all these questions at your door.

Everyone at the local, county, state and Federal level working together will expedite the process for our residents.
FEMA teams inspect homes July July 24 - July 30, 2023 in Cicero damaged by floods
FEMA teams inspect homes July July 24 – July 30, 2023 in Cicero damaged by floods

Funcionarios de FEMA inspeccionando algunas casas en Cicero dañadas por inundaciones

Los equipos de FEMA están trabajando arduamente tocando puertas y evaluando los daños causados por las intensas lluvias récord del 2 de julio. No necesitan visitar cada hogar y no se espera que lo hagan, pero han estado verificando las viviendas en base a los casi 7,000 informes de evaluación de daños recopilados por el Municipio de Cicero.

Los equipos están compuestos por un representante del Municipio de Cicero, IEMA, FEMA, SBA y un traductor.

El jueves 27 de julio de 2023, la Directora de IEMA-OHS, Alicia Tate-Nadeau, se unió a uno de los equipos para evaluar todos los daños.

La Directora Tate-Nadeau conversó con funcionarios del municipio, incluido el Fideicomisario Municipal, Víctor García, y propietarios de casas en Cicero, cerca de la Calle 16, como parte de su recorrido de inspección por el Municipio de Cicero.

FEMA teams inspect homes July July 24 - July 30, 2023 in Cicero damaged by floods
FEMA teams inspect homes July July 24 – July 30, 2023 in Cicero damaged by floods

A cada equipo se le asignan bloques específicos. Una vez que llegan, tocarán la puerta de cada casa en ese bloque, según informaron los funcionarios de FEMA.

Si no te encuentras en casa, no te preocupes. El equipo aún recopilará información de tus vecinos.

Una vez que FEMA llegue a tu casa, se te harán las siguientes preguntas:

¿Tu casa sufrió daños?

¿Cuál es la magnitud de los daños?

¿Qué tan alto estaba el nivel del agua?

¿Hubo personas afectadas en la zona?

¿Cuánto tiempo estuvo el agua acumulada?

¿Hubo daños en el sistema de calefacción, la caldera o el horno?

¿Eres propietario o inquilino?

¿Tienes seguro de cobertura?

¿Se trató de agua residual de alcantarillado?

El equipo realizará todas estas preguntas en tu puerta.

FEMA officials speak with Town officials including with Trustee Victor Garcia near 16th Street
FEMA officials speak with Town officials including with Trustee Victor Garcia near 16th Street

El esfuerzo conjunto de todos los niveles locales, del condado, estatales y federales agilizará el proceso para nuestros residentes.