Men’s Health Event scheduled for June 15

Town President Larry Dominick, the Town of Cicero Board of Trustees and the Health Department are excited to announce they will be hosting the very first Men's Health event on June 15th, 2023 for the Town of Cicero.

Men’s Health Event scheduled for June 15

Town President Larry Dominick, the Town of Cicero Board of Trustees and the Health Department are excited to announce they will be hosting the very first Men’s Health event on June 15th, 2023 for the Town of Cicero.

The initiative of the Men’s Health event is to continue to address as many health needs of our community as possible as we continue to expand our services.

This event begins first with a men’s health information session hosted in our Community Center classrooms from 11am-12pm, in both English and Spanish.

This is an updated, whole-health informational seminar designed specifically for males. There will also be time for questions following this seminar.

Town President Larry Dominick, the Town of Cicero Board of Trustees and the Health Department are excited to announce they will be hosting the very first Men's Health event on June 15th, 2023 for the Town of Cicero.


Individuals planning to attend those classroom sessions should call the Cicero Health Department to reserve a spot, as space will be limited. Call 708-656-3600 x147. (Reservations are not required to attend the event itself.)

The remainder of the event will be held in the gymnasium of the Cicero Community Center, 2250 S 49th Ave., from 12 PM until 2 PM.

We will have a variety of services, health information, entertainment and giveaways.



Evento de salud masculina programado para el 15 de junio

El Presidente de Cicero Larry Dominick, la junta directiva de la ciudad de Cicero y el Departamento de Salud, se complacen en anunciar que organizarán el primer evento de salud masculina el 15 de junio de 2023 en nuestro municipio.

La iniciativa del evento ‘Men’s Health / Para la Salud Masculina’ es continuar abordando tantas necesidades de salud de nuestra comunidad como sea possible, a medida que continuamos expandiendo nuestros servicios.

Este evento comienza primero con una sesión de información sobre la salud de los hombres en las aulas de nuestro ‘Centro Comunitario’ de 11 am a 12 pm, tanto en inglés como en español.

Este es un seminario informativo actualizado sobre salud integral diseñado específicamente para los hombres. También habrá tiempo para hacer preguntas después de este seminario.

Town President Larry Dominick, the Town of Cicero Board of Trustees and the Health Department are excited to announce they will be hosting the very first Men's Health event on June 15th, 2023 for the Town of Cicero.


Las personas que planeen asistir a esas sesiones en las aulas deben llamar al Departamento de Salud de Cicero para reservar un lugar, ya que el espacio será limitado. Por favor llame al 708-656-3600 x147. (No se requieren reservaciones para asistir al evento en sí).

El resto del evento se llevará a cabo en el gimnasio del ‘Centro Comunitario Cicero’, 2250 S 49th Ave., de 12:00 p. m. a 2:00 p. m.

Tendremos una variedad de servicios, información de salud, entretenimiento y muchos regalos.