Cicero commemorates the 21-year anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorist attacks

Officials and speakers gather following the Town of CIcero's ceremony on Sept. 8, 2022 commemorating the 21st anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Officials and speakers gather following the Town of CIcero's ceremony on Sept. 8, 2022 commemorating the 21st anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Cicero commemorates the 21-year anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorist attacks

The Town of Cicero commemorated the 21st anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took nearly 3,000 lives on Sept. 11, 2001 with a memorial service and presentations.

Cicero Firefighters Paul Lyttek and Justin Swiatowiec were the guest speakers offering presentations on their experiences representing the Cicero Fire Department solidarity with members of the New York Fire Department.

New York reported that 343 members of the city’s Fire Department and 72 members of the New York Police Department perished responding the fires in the Twin Towers on that day.

A color Guard from the Cicero American Legion Post 96 opened the program by posting the American Flag followed by the pledge of allegiance from the 120 attendees that packed the Cicero Community Center atrium.

Also attending were District 99 School Board President Tom Tomschin, and Mrs. Kirsten Kruger, a Humanities Teacher form District 99, introduced her class and two of her students from UNITY Junior High School who read essays honoring the first responders.

Cicero Firefighter Paul Lyttek shared his experience supporting members of the New York Fire Department following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
Cicero Firefighter Paul Lyttek shared his experience supporting members of the New York Fire Department following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks at a ceremony hosted Sept. 8, 2022 by the Town of Cicero.


Morton High School 201 Supt. Dr. Tim Truesdale was also recognized along with Board Vice President Lido Manetti and Maru Ayala, and also Assistant Principle of Activities and Assessment Phil Depa. A student from Morton High school also read an essay for the attendees honoring the first responders.


The event was sponsored by Town President Larry Dominick, and the Town board of trustees including Clerk Maria Punzo-Arias, Supervisor Joe Virruso, Collector Emilio Cundari, Collector Fran Reitz and trustees Bob Porod, Victor Garcia, John Cava and Blanca Vargas.

A contingent of Cicero Firefighters attended the event with Fire Chief Jeff Penzkofer.

Cicero Firefighter Justin Swiatowiec shared his experience supporting members of the New York Fire Department following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
Cicero Firefighter Justin Swiatowiec shared his experience supporting members of the New York Fire Department following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks


Cicero conmemora el 21 aniversario de los ataques terroristas del 11 de Septiembre con actos solemnes

Marcada con variadas presentaciones y con un solemne servicio de recordación, el municipio de Cicero conmemoró el 21 aniversario del siniestro ataque terrorista que cobró la vida de casi 3.000 personas en Nueva York, el 11 de septiembre del año 2001.

Dos bomberos de Cicero, Paul Lyttek y Justin Swiatowiec, fueron los oradores invitados que relataron sus experiencias de solidaridad con sus colegas de Nueva York, en representación del Departamento de Bomberos de Cicero.

En su momento, ese trágico día las autoridades de Nueva York informaban que 343 bomberos y 72 de sus agentes de policía habían perecido en el cumplimiento de su deber, mientras respondian a los incendios desatados en las ‘Torres Gemelas’.

Y este año, durante la ceremonia en nuestro municipio, una escolta de la organización local de veteranos de guerra- ‘Cicero American Legion Post 96’- abrió el programa, colocando la bandera de Estados Unidos frente al público. Ese acto fue seguido por la declaración y el juramento de lealtad a la patria, recitado al unísono por los 120 invitados que abarrotaron el amplio atrio del Centro Comunitario de Cicero.

Officials and speakers gather following the Town of CIcero's ceremony on Sept. 8, 2022 commemorating the 21st anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Officials and speakers gather following the Town of CIcero’s ceremony on Sept. 8, 2022 commemorating the 21st anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.


Entre los presentes se encontraba el Presidente de la Junta Escolar del Distrito 99, Tom Tomschin; como tambén la maestra Kirsten Kruger, una profesora de Humanidades de ese Distrito 99, quien orgullosamente presentó a los estudiantes de su clase y especialmente a dos de sus alumnos de la escuela ‘UNITY Junior High School’, encargados de escribir sus propios ensayos para honrar a todos los socorristas y a todos los cuerpos de primeros auxilios.

Así mismo recibieron reconocimientos: el Superintendente de las Escuelas Secundarias del ‘Distrito Morton 201’, Dr. Tim Truesdale; el Vicepresidente de la Junta Escolar Lido Manetti; la Sra. Maru Ayala y el Asistente del Director para Actividades y Evaluación, Phil Depa.

Un estudiante de la secundaria / preparatoria ‘Morton High School’, fue invitado asi mismo a presentar un ensayo en honor de los rescatistas.

El evento fue auspiciado por el Presidente municipal de Cicero Larry Dominic y por la Junta de Síndicos que incluyen a la Secretaria Maria Punzo-Arias, al Supervisor Joe Virruso, al Asesor Emilio Cundari, a la Reolectora Fran Reitz y a los síndicos Bob Porod, Víctor García, John Cava y Blanca Vargas.

Un contingente de bomberos de Cicero asistió al evento, para unirse durante la ceremonia al actual Jefe de ese Cuerpo de Bomberos Jeff Penzkofer.