Cicero Police Department Hosts Inaugural Awards Ceremony

The Cicero Police Department held its first-ever awards ceremony on January 31, 2025, recognizing the exceptional service, bravery, and dedication of 76 of its officers and partners from various law enforcement agencies.
The Cicero Police Department held its first-ever awards ceremony on January 31, 2025, recognizing the exceptional service, bravery, and dedication of 76 of its officers and partners from various law enforcement agencies.

Cicero Police Department Hosts Inaugural Awards Ceremony

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The Cicero Police Department held its first-ever awards ceremony on January 31, 2025, recognizing the exceptional service, bravery, and dedication of its officers and their partners from various law enforcement agencies. The event, which took place at the Cicero Community Center, was attended by town officials, police command staff, law enforcement partners, and the families and friends of the officers.

The ceremony began with a warm welcome from the master of ceremonies, Victor Gurrola, who expressed gratitude to the town officials, Cicero Police Department, and the community for their support. Chaplain Ishmael Vargas led the attendees in a prayer, highlighting the importance of the officers’ service and the community’s appreciation for their dedication.

Police Superintendent Thomas Boyle delivered a heartfelt greeting, emphasizing the significance of the event and the department’s commitment to recognizing the outstanding achievements of its officers. He acknowledged the support of elected officials, department heads, and the entire town board, which is crucial for the department’s mission. “I’m honored to be here and I’m honored to lead this department and I’m equally honored to welcome you to our award ceremony”.

The awards presented during the ceremony included commendations for various cases, such as homicides, life-saving actions, and other significant investigations.

The Cicero Police Department held its first-ever awards ceremony on January 31, 2025, recognizing the exceptional service, bravery, and dedication of its officers and their partners from various law enforcement agencies.
The Cicero Police Department held its first-ever awards ceremony on January 31, 2025, recognizing the exceptional service, bravery, and dedication of 76 of its officers and partners from various law enforcement agencies.

The different awards include the Medal of Honor, Medal of Valor, Purple Heart, Life Saving Award, Superintendent Award, Merit Award, Dept. Commendation, Community Service, Unit Citation and the Meritorious Conduct Award. In total, 76 officers were honored. Detective Daniel Tallen received the most awards of the day, earning a total of nine.

The ceremony also honored officers for their exceptional performance in various other cases, including armed violence, home invasions, and sexual assault investigations. Special recognition was given to officers who demonstrated outstanding leadership and dedication, such as Officer Nestor Vera for his role as a recruit supervisor at the Illinois State Police Academy.

The Cicero Police Department held its first-ever awards ceremony on January 31, 2025, recognizing the exceptional service, bravery, and dedication of 76 of its officers and partners from various law enforcement agencies.
The Cicero Police Department held its first-ever awards ceremony on January 31, 2025, recognizing the exceptional service, bravery, and dedication of 76 of its officers and partners from various law enforcement agencies.

The highlight of the event was the presentation of the Officer of the Year award to Detective Edgar Alba, who was recognized for his exemplary work on multiple cases, including the Ray Rodriguez homicide. Sergeant Jose Sanchez was awarded the prestigious Sergeant of the Year award for his leadership and contributions to the Special Operations Division.

The ceremony concluded with a special prayer poem read by Deputy Diaz daughter, Sophia Diaz, capturing the spirit of dedication and sacrifice of all police officers. The event was a testament to the bravery, professionalism, and unwavering commitment of the Cicero Police Department and its partners in ensuring the safety and well-being of the community.


El Departamento de Policía de Cicero Celebra su Primera Ceremonia de Premiación

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El Departamento de Policía de Cicero celebró su primera ceremonia de premiación el 31 de enero de 2025, reconociendo el servicio excepcional, la valentía y la dedicación de sus oficiales y de sus colaboradores de diversas agencias del orden. El evento, que tuvo lugar en el Centro Comunitario de Cicero, contó con la asistencia de funcionarios municipales, altos mandos policiales, socios del orden público, así como familiares y amigos de los oficiales.

La ceremonia comenzó con una cálida bienvenida del maestro de ceremonias, Víctor Gurrola, quien expresó su gratitud hacia los funcionarios municipales, el Departamento de Policía de Cicero y la comunidad por su apoyo. El capellán Ismael Vargas dirigió una oración para los asistentes, destacando la importancia del servicio de los oficiales y el reconocimiento de la comunidad a su dedicación.

El Superintendente de Policía, Thomas Boyle, ofreció un emotivo mensaje en el que subrayó la importancia del evento y el compromiso del departamento con el reconocimiento de los logros sobresalientes de sus oficiales. También agradeció el respaldo de los funcionarios electos, los jefes de departamento y toda la junta municipal, apoyo fundamental para la misión del departamento. “Es un honor estar aquí, es un honor dirigir este departamento y es igualmente un honor darles la bienvenida a nuestra ceremonia de premiación.”

Durante la ceremonia se entregaron reconocimientos por diversas intervenciones, incluyendo investigaciones de homicidios, acciones heroicas para salvar vidas y otros casos de gran relevancia.

Los diferentes galardones otorgados incluyen la Medalla de Honor, la Medalla al Valor, la Corazón Púrpura, el Premio al Salvamento de Vida, el Premio del Superintendente, el Premio al Mérito, la Mención Honorífica del Departamento, el Premio al Servicio Comunitario, la Citación de Unidad y el Premio a la Conducta Meritoria. En total, 76 oficiales fueron homenajeados. El detective Daniel Tallen fue el más condecorado del día, recibiendo un total de nueve premios.

La ceremonia también reconoció a oficiales por su desempeño excepcional en otros casos, como violencia armada, allanamientos de morada e investigaciones de agresión sexual. Se otorgó un reconocimiento especial a oficiales que demostraron liderazgo y dedicación sobresalientes, como el oficial Néstor Vera, quien fue distinguido por su labor como supervisor de reclutas en la Academia de Policía Estatal de Illinois.

El momento más destacado del evento fue la entrega del premio al Oficial del Año al detective Edgar Alba, reconocido por su labor ejemplar en múltiples casos, incluyendo el homicidio de Ray Rodríguez. Por su parte, el sargento José Sánchez recibió el prestigioso premio al Sargento del Año por su liderazgo y contribuciones a la División de Operaciones Especiales.

La ceremonia concluyó con la lectura de un emotivo poema de oración a cargo de Sophia Diaz, hija del subcomisario Díaz, capturando el espíritu de dedicación y sacrificio de todos los oficiales de policía. El evento fue un testimonio del valor, la profesionalidad y el compromiso inquebrantable del Departamento de Policía de Cicero y sus socios en la misión de garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar de la comunidad.